State-Level Single Audit Reports
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Latest Reports on Prior Single Audit Findings
Status of Prior Single Audit Findings
About the Single Audit
The Single Audit Act of 1984, as amended in 1996,
is designed to standardize the requirements for auditing federal
programs. Entities that expend $750,000 or more of federal funds during a
fiscal year are subject to one audit of all their federal programs, as
opposed to separate audits of each federal program; hence, the term
“single audit.” In December 2013, the U.S. Office of Management and
Budget published significant revisions to its guidance on administrative
requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for federal
awards. Please refer to our
Grant Uniform Guidance page for additional
The purpose of the Single Audit is to provide assurance to the
federal government regarding the management and use of federal funds by
state and local governments, Indian tribes, institutions of higher
education, and nonprofit organizations. The commonwealth’s Single Audit
is typically referred to as the “state-level Single Audit.” Many local
governments and other subrecipients of federal funds that pass through
commonwealth agencies are subject to their own Single Audit
requirements; information about subrecipient Single Audits is available
on our grantee and subrecipient
Single Audit Submissions page.
The Single Audit includes examination of an entity’s financial
records, financial statements, federal award transactions and
expenditures, operations management, internal controls, and federal
assistance received during the period subject to audit. It consists of
two main components:
- Compliance
– Covers the study and understanding (referred to as the “planning
stage”), as well as testing and evaluation of the entity
- Financial – Similar to a financial audit, it includes an audit of the entity’s financial statements and accompanying notes