Vendor Registration
To begin, select the option that best describes you or your organization. Only one registration is permitted.
* Click MP4 icon for recorded instructions. Click PDF icon for written step-by-step instructions. *
Please note that at this time an Office365 account is required to view MP4 files., MSN, corporate, Hotmail, etc. accounts may be tied to an Office365 account, in which case they would be acceptable.
Non-Procurement vendors cannot self-certify as a small, diverse business or place bids.
Choose Non-Procurement for the following descriptions: Borrower/Loan Recipient, Day Care, Fire Company, Grantee or Grant Recipient, Government Entities, Other Non-Procurement, Real Estate Leasing or Lessor, School District or Cyber School, Service Provider to Victim of Crime or Victim of Crime, Utility Provider.
Descriptions: Procurement, COSTARS, Bids, IFB, ITQ, R3-RFQ, RFGA, RFI, RFP, RFQUAL-P3, SFP, Small Diverse Business, Small Business, Woman-owned Business, Veteran-owned Business, Contracts, Auto ITQ, Construction, eMarketplace.