Bureau of Performance, Revenue, and Program Analysis
The Bureau of Performance, Revenue, and Program Analysis directs and oversees the use of budget-related performance data in the budget process. Coordinates with the Department of Revenue and other agencies to monitor revenue performance and other revenue-related issues. Reviews and analyzes revenue estimates received from the Department of Revenue as well as develops and recommends revenue modifications, enhancements, or expansions as necessary to assure budget solvency. Performs analyses of current issues for budget-related impacts. Coordinates the update of budget themes and agency narratives for the executive budget proposals. Responds to information requests from National Association of State Budget Officers (NASBO), U.S. General Accounting Office, U.S. Census, U.S. Treasury, and other groups. Provides budget-related assistance for labor contract negotiations. Assists with press inquiries. Represents Budget Office in interagency work groups. Coordinates and leads reporting for Commonwealth for federal State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds.
Program Analysis and Performance Improvement Division
This division manages and integrates performance information with financial information during budget development and continues to monitor results during budget execution. The division works with agencies, the Office of Performance through Excellence, and other Office of the Budget staff to maintain and evaluate the performance data and leads the reporting efforts for federal ARPA State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds. The division conducts program analyses as needed and responds to information requests from outside groups.
Revenue Analysis and Planning Division
This division coordinates with Department of Revenue, other agencies, and legislative staff regarding revenue-related issues. The division monitors revenue collections across commonwealth operating funds and helps identify and investigate trends affecting collections, as well as formulating recommendations to help maintain fiscal solvency in the near and long-term. The division assists in the development and presentation of revenue information in the Executive Budget. The division assists with federal ARPA reporting related to state revenue changes and collection levels to ensure the state complies with federal requirements.