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​Annual Certification of Pennsylvania Property Tax Relief

The 2006 Taxpayer Relief Act established the Property Tax Relief Fund to use gaming revenue to reduce property taxes for homeowners. The law requires the budget secretary to certify the actual balance in the fund by April 15 of each year and to project gaming revenue coming into the fund in the next six months.

2024-25 Certification Letter

​School districts will receive their share of property tax relief in two equal installments in August and October. Under the law, Pennsylvania homeowners will see the property tax reduction itemized on their tax bill, which most school districts will issue this summer.

Homeowners in 66 counties will receive reductions in the school property tax bills they will receive this summer. In accordance with the Taxpayer Relief Act, Philadelphia’s share of funding for broad-based tax relief will be used to reduce the city’s wage tax.

​​​​​The amount of property tax relief in each school district will be available online in early May at the School District Property Tax Relief section of the Department of Education website.